Should You Wait Between Cataract Surgery on Each Eye? Skip to main content

Should I Wait to Have Cataract Surgery on Second Eye

March 07, 2023


Should I Wait to Have Cataract Surgery on Second Eye

elder man getting a cataract eye exam

Cataracts is a common eye condition that affects many people. Cataract surgery is a safe, frequently performed operation to aid those who have the condition. Still, receiving a diagnosis of having cataracts and realizing that surgery will be performed on the eye can be scary. Imagine then, how unsettling it must be for someone to learn they have cataracts in both eyes?

What you need to know when cataract surgery is necessary for both eyes.

First, there’s a reason why the title of this blog mentions the word “wait,” because you should not consider having this procedure performed on both eyes at once. You must be able to see with one eye—however difficult vision might be. As a rule, the first cataract surgery operation is performed on whichever eye is less impacted. This will enable you to see better with the already stronger eye during your recuperation. Now comes the waiting game…

Can I get both eyes done at the same time?

Because vision is temporarily affected by cataract surgery, only one eye can be corrected at a time. You will need to wait anywhere from between two-to-six weeks, before the second cataract surgery operation—on the eye that’s more seriously affected. The reason for such a wide gap depends on how long a time it takes for the first surgery to heal. Different patients will heal within different time frames. Either way, patience will truly be virtue once both eyes have been operated on and your vision is once again strong and healthy.

Recovering After Cataract Surgery on Both Eyes Could be Dangerous

It could take a few weeks to fully regain your vision as the eye heals. Going that long without decent vision in at least one eye can be dangerous and difficult. During the very beginning of recovery, you will need to wear a shield over the recovering eye to protect it. Being unable to see out of both eyes is both unsafe and challenging for anyone recovering after a surgical procedure. More importantly, is the fact that your eyes are more likely to become infected while healing after surgery. Infections can spread from one eye to the other.

Time to schedule a Cataract Screening

So, you’ve noticed that your vision has been deteriorating. You visit your local optometrist only to find that you have cataracts in both eyes. First, keep calm. While a diagnosis of cataracts in both eyes seems extra-severe, the specialists at SightMD will ensure the care and safety of your vision before, during, and after the operations. If you have additional concerns, or are ready to make an appointment for the first cataract surgery procedure, contact us. We’re ready to be of service!